22 October, 2015

A long story closed in short time about two lost people

How I regret I haven't kept you posted during all this summer paradise. That was a story no movie or a book has shown so far. Incredible. Full of emotions. From fascination, by expectancy, happiness, certainty, adoration to anger and even hatred... A lot of written words, said words, sleepless nights, just a few phone calls, movies made, an unexpected meeting, showing our real, not pretended emotions... A LOT of pain, trys of forgetting and moving on, constant coming back, fighting again, opening the wounds anew.
But all this dynamic moments ment there was really something.

Today, having here next to me my smartphone with your message being displayed, with your wishes of all the best for my future life (it's my birthday today) I am shaking again, although I crossed you with a thick line two weeks ago. Ah, you... Yes, I haven't written here for so long because I have been writing to you... When you didn't want to receive any words from me, I was creating messages for you simply, just putting them into Word files.

I will finally breath when there will be no lines connecting us, NO direct contact recommended...

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