30 December, 2011

New Year's Eve's Eve...

So it's already the day before THIS DAY (last day of the year)??? Omg, it has gone by so fast!:/
I still remember the spring, and the summer...(♥) like it was just yesterday! Well, all we can do, is just to have wonderful fun tomorrow and in nice way tell 2011 ''goodbye'' and ''welcome'' - 2012 :)
Today I went shopping a little bit and bought an awesome, really awesome jacket! I'm so happy :D
I also tried to study but... my mobile phone with internet in it (facebook, msn etc.) effectively disturbed me in that... Well, I hope I will be able to somehow learn it all till Monday...

I want to wish u all, my readers, a perfect, happy year, that will bring u much happines and a lot of accomplishment. Thank u for being with me during that first year of my blogging here. I hope u will hale and hearty survive the next year with me!
Have fun tomorrow!
    Love u all!

27 December, 2011

After Christmas, before New Year...

Hi guys!
We are already after the sweet time of Christmas♥ Before New Year. But now it's time to prepare some things for school ( ah, I don't understand why just every teacher has to think that we need to have homewrok for Christmas! :/ ).
I'm gonna go shopping soon as well. So I want to make this free time cool one anyway!

Enjoy holidays, darling!

23 December, 2011

Almost Christmas Eve...

What's up, guys? Christmas Tree is ready? Already decorated? Mine is! Cakes baked? Mine almost are...
I want to wish u a merry, family Christmas! Enjoy this saint time, get ready for the new-born Jesus.
Merry Christmas everyone! :)

21 December, 2011

Christmas time...

So studing is finished for a while... With good results, I guess :D But we will see it officialy in two weeks when I come back school.
Tomorrow I'm having class' X-mas Eve. It is gonna be cute :)  For now, I'm happy that for a few day I don't relally have to think about learning...
Enjoy ur almost Christmas time!
With Love,

16 December, 2011

Soooo windy!

Hey! Thanks for asking me - yes, my this week's History test went good, the same as Physic and Spanish ones...
But - before Christmas - it's still gonna be some work left there, so I won't be relaxing till next Thursday.
Ah, whatever ;)

The weather this year is kinda crazy: no snow (at least) till nowadays! Christmas without snow?... With every day it only seems to be more possible! We will see.

I need to buy a gift for my friend next week. Of course it's gonna be a Christmas girft:) I think I will choose something nice from jewellery. I guess she would like it:)

Wish u have a good time!

11 December, 2011


Tomorrow History test... Ah I keep repeating that I will revise all important things tomorrow at school xD
I always have it like that! But, I must admit, I've been studing hard for the entire weekend!
Cross ur fingers!

09 December, 2011


Heeeeeey! It's finally Friday! So sweet♥ Although I will be studying even harder than during the week...
Ah, I don't know what I do with my relations with people. I should be more smarter, careful and far-sighted. Cause it's so easy to make someone hopes and later so unkind to disappoint one...

I should be also more careful with picking up the songs for my posts... Last time I posted there the song by Bruno Mars - "It will rain" and... it did rain XD

This time, something more neutral. Enjoy :)

06 December, 2011

A Santa Claus' Day today!

Yeah, I got some sweets and mandarins :D Ah, don't u think that mandarins smell of christmas? I think they really do:)
At school it has been pretty good, had an exam today, actually.
On Sunday I finally decided to have an internet packet in my mobile phone and I've discovered how to follow there all of my favourites websites (some of them are really big and it's almost only possible to view them on the computer but I've slipped through the net:P ). But I won't blog from there cause I prefer focus on it and do that calmly by my comp.

Hope u are having a good time!:))

02 December, 2011


This is gonna be a really busy weekend (this situation with weekends will last till Christmas, I guess...:/) but, thankfully, last week was really good. I got to know something and now I look at world with different eyes :D
But I still want to something AWESOME happen, so that life wouldn't be so boring!

Btw - I can't understand, when boys - who have a wonderful relationship with their gf, look for another girls...
still being with their gfs, kissing them etc... so strange! Don't be like that, please!
If u have ur amazing girl, just stay beside her, don't be interested in others (so that they won't fall in love with u when they have no chance for being with u...)!