23 March, 2012


Seems like again I was very bad at writing here:/ Sorry but it's still hot time for me.
Beside studying, I could notice that the spring has started. It is super nice warm and sunny. Great time to be thinking about the future and just be thinking positivively.:)
By the way - I visited my hairdresser coz I needed to cut the ends of my hair and also I wanted to have made a fringe but... the hairdresser dissuaded me doing that. Anyway, I need to have hair a little bit longer for the wedding I'm going to in only two months!...

Some other things: I noticed that when I finally decide for something that for months I have been having given on a silver plate - then it flys away and I have to do some effort to get it back for good...
Time will help.

Warm hugs!

09 March, 2012

So tired!...

Guys, I know I've been so bad in blogging during last two weeks... :( But trust me that it was really hard time for me, and still will be - till a week later. I had my exams and am still having some current tests as well...
But don't worry, I'll be ok. :)

I just wanted to tell u what's up and tell u that I think life is sometimes sad, but if we look around, we'll find it's very favorable for us:) So if anything is wrong over there (I hope it's not!), try to think of some other things, go  in for something different  and everything will be ok!:)

Good luck! xoxo