31 March, 2013


Happy Easter, readers! :)
Hope ur one is warmer than mine (snow, about 1 Celsius degree)...
Have a good time!

10 March, 2013


It's been a really long time since I was here! A month ago I wrote last post... I know it's not ok but just sometimes I don't know what to think and I'm affraid of writing anything not to distroy a thing...
Things are still happening, but I'm still not sure how much I can trust it could succeed one day...
I need to think a lot of my university, what studies should I choose... So many questions! I'm not sure if I am able to cope with all the math and science subjects... Yes, I do have extra-curricular activities now to be better at it but... it's not that easy. I wish I could be already on studies on October but on the other hand - I'm scared of it as hell.
And One... I keep thanking God for such a miracle... just meeting One was something incredible, what absolutely couldn't have happened in normal atheistic life... Hallelujah!