25 September, 2011

Ah, life...

So busy two weeks are waiting for me... At least two ones.:/ I have no time for myself.
But again I just can't wait to go to school tomorrow! So nice people are there... Especially a few ones... :P
Can't believe how fast the time goes by...
Have a good week!

18 September, 2011

Stay awake!

I had a really busy week. School, home, city... On and on. But I do really love school! Ah I know... I keep repeating this xD Sorry, just so many things happen at school! So much nice feelings...♥
It was quite warm here, again.
I got a cold:/ But all the people around me get one so it's normal. Just so annoying;/
Can't wait to go to school tomorrow... Will so what is gonna happen.. :D
Have a good time!

11 September, 2011

Autumnal September?

Hi guys!
Today it was an amazing day, can't believe it's already September (usually - especially after this year's rainy holiday - it should be colder here now... Today it was about 28 °C...).
I was learning today a lot (hehe let's say xD), a little playing the guitar, resting for the bigger rest of my weekend time. Yesterday it was similar.
I must tell that I can't wait school after this weekend; maybe I just love my mates, but maybe I love the situtations which happen at my school... :)
First week at school was pretty good, much funny stories. And not too much learning so far. But it is coming :)
Yesterday in my head there came a melody of song which I couldn't remind by myself. Till today. I remembered a few words of it and I found it! Yeeah! I was extremely happy, believe me. It's an awesome song. Below it's for u:)
Have a good evening!

04 September, 2011


Yeah, school is starting tomorrow for real:/ But I really miss my mates, and want to see them! I hope it's gonna be fun, even though I'll be at home at 5 p.m.... 
I need to pack my bag right now, I think I will go to sleep about 10:30 a.m. It ought to be just alright.
Wish u nice school days :)

01 September, 2011

Good news: after today's school beginning, I have day off tomorrow, caused by repairing my school! :D So, in fact, I'm starting school on Monday. It's so cool! I love my school.♥
Even though, I have an awful lesson plan... I start school only once at 7.30 am, so I will be sleeping very long, but three times I finish at 3.30 pm, so - I guess - then I will get home about 4.45 :( It seems to be very late and I won't have much time for preparing myself for next day:/
I hope I will cope with school this year, anyway.
Wish u had better lessons plan than me ;)