06 January, 2015

New hopes and chances

Yes, I know, a lot of time, but you are already used to that, right?

Three months of new semester behind me, a lot of parties, dancings, visits, dates, shopping... You know I broke my fears and even loved swimming classes? I go to swim with my friends as often as possible, yuuhu, tomorrow another try.

During that time, I met many new people, girls and boys as well,  even international boys... Finally I focused on my friends and on MYSELF. I was doing everything that I wanted, the only obstacle could have been a must: you need to study hard for a test.
Now, with a lot of experience, ideas and hopes I'm starting a new year. I met a wonderful man, who might be someone important in my life. The only problem is, that the other one, completely not in my style, is still texting me and even though I tryied to be suggesting him I'm not interested at all, everyday he needs to send me messages... Oh God, I need to be more strict, I guess.

It's always so exciting to wait for what a new year is going to bring... Hopefully, not too much of bad luck...

With love, xoxo

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