25 November, 2011


If u are interested in the thing I was trying to say about lately, I must tell that almost nothing came out... Time is needed, I guess.

Well, this week I saw an amazing movie, called ''The way back'' (with Colin Farrell). It's about the situation of captives living in Soviet gulag. Really moving film! Especially a character of one Russian, Valka, who showed that he loved his country, even though other Russian people arrested and hurt him, and Polish man, who made their escape possible. It is really worth of watching it. It wouldn't be wasting of ur time, trust me!

21 November, 2011


Standing at the edge of mountain and knowing it's a crysis. Don't know what to do. Just wanna see IT again. Can't even find suitable words to express that.
Hoping it's gonna get better soon.

15 November, 2011


I know, again I've been really bad in updating... But I'm here now:)
Well, last week was hard, but so far it looks that I got good grades from my exams - so it was worth of hard-working:) This week is gonna be not so bad - except Math exam...
For last weekend I had really much time for thinking. Actually, I had too much one :D I prefer active life, with school and friends, when I don't have too much free time.
I was also playing my lovely guitar and singing - that's what I express myself by.

Hope u are doing great!

06 November, 2011

My brain is fried...

Awww I can't take to my head any more information! ANY MORE! I love Geography, yes, yes, yes, but it's too much for one day for me! It would be easier if I hadn't been at the party on Friday night... I lost the whole Saturday 'cause of it... I was terribly exhausted yesterday and, in fact, I didn't do anything :D
But the party was wonderful! I love my people! :) I'm still having blisters on my feet but I'll survive.
I saw that everyday here are so many people so I decided I just have to write more often. For u, my readers:)
I guess I didn't mention: two weeks ago I turned into 17 :P I'm a big girl now!
I'm gonna watch today's MTV EMA 2011. I can't wait it!

Today I added my new video for youtube. So now I will recommend u my own art (haha let's call it this way^^).

Cross ur fingers for me tomorrow and on Tuesday, please!
Take care, readers!:)

03 November, 2011


I've been really busy, trust and believe me! I'm sorry, anyway, I'm a so bad blogger! :/
Today a trip, tomorrow a party... Later much to study for this weekend.
I'll do my best to be here as soon as I can!
Wish me luck, please, guys!:)

Enjoy my lovely Florence + The Machine!